Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This is an amazingly well done digital visualization of the current economic credit crisis we are in. The design elements are simple and to the point creating a clear understanding of the topic. This was created as a part of a Johnathan Jarvis's thesis to use new media in explaining complex topics.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

This is a fun test to show the power of branding and logo design in a mass market. I was able to guess all but three in a matter of 4 seconds per logo! Go to the site and try it out yourself!

Google is joining the cheap wagon by extending an offer to artists asking them to submit Google designs in exchange for glory of being a Google Skin designer. Seems a bit presumptuous to ask established designers to do this but in these economic times many did so anyways. Google refused to release the names of artists that did agree to participate and would not specify when the launch of this campaign will be.
This was a particularly sad article about how the economy is effecting all areas including the set and prop studios in Hollywood. I never really stopped to think about where the props that make a movie so magical come from and it made me sad to see a major one, 20th Century Props, be forced to close.

This is a very entertaining way Christoph Niemann designined a semiotic infographic of NY scenes with Legos. Charming!

This is a funny spoof on typefaces. I found it clever and especially appropriate for design humor.
Nussbaum blogs about the underlying importance that can be extracted from the excitement of Twitter in Iran. The younger generation used Twitter to communicate and organize mass protests against the fraudulent elections in Iran this past week.

This is particularly interesting because the government did try to contain the efforts by cutting off cellular capabilities and Twitter could not be shut down.
The interesting point that Nussbaum makes is that Twitter is not unique in this situation. Yes Gen Yers feel comfortable in a digital realm but this form of mass communication has been going on for years in the Bizarre, in the mosques and so forth.

Friday, June 12, 2009

This article discusses the attempts companies are making to reduce the amount of packaging materials they use. The main concerns are environmental and cost driven. I have seen companies try this out on several occasions for example, Apple. Apples ipods used to come in this impressive large cube to give the appeal that you were purchasing a luxury product. Now Apple has cut its materials drastically to package the ipod in a sleek thin box. I have also seen bottled water companies switch their bottles to thinner plastic thus less waste. This is one example where I like the idea but dont love the result, the bottles are less sturdy.

Here is another nostalgic package design that really stands out! When I go to the grocery store and look for a pasta sauce I tend to stand and stare for a few minutes. All the bottles look the same, how am I supposed to pick? Which one will be the best? If I saw Via Roma's bottles on the shelf there would be no question that I would be drawn to it. The personal touch that the photographs give make me feel like I'm buying a sauce straight from an Italian kitchen. The laughter, smiles, and love oozing out of these photos make it an obvious choice.

Baker Associates designed a new retro packaging of Oreo and Ritz for a summer promotion at Target. I was surprised that I couldnt find that much response to the design on any blogs but I thought it looked good. Its simple and clean with a retro feel but still uses the modern bright colors as a twist. I think it is a good idea to incorporate some modernity when doing retro design.

Henri Bendel is now selling health products. A new line of couture vitamins, FunctionLab, are in stores to help give you your daily fix. The system is related to a health questionnaires that is analyzed by a nutritionist and scientist to package the right vitamins your lifestyle calls for. I find the concept an interesting marketing ploy but was really intrigued by the packaging. The aesthetic is very clean and fashion-like and the website does not feel like your average vitamin site. http://www.functionalab.com/?unfold=true
This blog talks about the deterioration of data on burned cds and dvds. As designers we need to make sure to back up our work and I thought that cds were a great way. After reading this I realize that you should back up your work on multiple forms of memory devices! A funny point made by the writer is while he had to get rid of the cds he was left with environmentally unfriendly cases. Whats the human benefit here??

This is a very creative and clever stop motion movie expressing the frustration of a deadline using post its. I really enjoyed all the images Bang-yao Liu created from the post its I could follow the narrative clearly and definitely relate!

This blog talks about a new site people can go to and report areas of their city that need to be fixed. What an amazing idea! I can't even count the number of times I've driven or walked somewhere and said "the city should Really fix this!" I also was intrigued by the name of the site "F**This!" because its a clever pun on emotion and action.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

This post discusses a bit Conan O'Bien did on his second night in the new late night spot he took over from Jay Leno. The article discusses Conan's negative take on Twitter and how he thinks its a lame tool for celebrities to promote themselves and boost their egos. While this is a comedy based show the blogger was concerned that Conan was going in a bad direction with this. Because it is a late-night show Conan does have to appeal to an older market, so his aversion to social networking systems like Twitter does make sense. But he should be careful not to alienate the younger crowd that truly are the majority target audience.

Design Blog Review

A documentry, To Inform & Delight: The World of Milton Glaser, about the graphic designer Milton Glaser is out in theaters now. The title of the film is a quote from Horace, “the purpose of art is to inform and delight” which encapsulates Milton Glaser's design style. The movie is to be centered around his designs with commentaries by fellow designer and himself. You can go see the movie at Cinema Village 22 East 12th Street, New York, NY 10003
By Wendy Keys

Design Blog Review

This cartoon shows the idea of a truly customizable remote control. Not only is it an amazing concept but the materials make it even better, Legos!! Functional and fun. With all the new technologies in the home entertainment system there are so many new options and intricacies that a the remotes seem to be getting more complex. The cartoon seems funny and all but very practical and useful, I would buy one!

The Haus der Kulturen der Welt and Pictoplasma are hosting this year's PICTOPIA in Berlin. I think it is very interesting how charater design has become such a phenomenon with adults! As children we are accustomed to hearing stories, watching movies, and tv shows with our favorite characters from the fantasy world. Comics have been a graphic form of characters for adults for a very long time now and the phenomenon has spread like wildfire. These characters can range from looking just as cute and cuddly as a children's character to a more sophisticated look, but both represent a more serious persona and perhaps represent different ideals.

Design Blog Review

This blog shows a conceptul Jetsons-like taxi. I have always looked at this futuristic robotic way of living to be exciting. I wonder how the world would respond to an electronic taxi system. I know that a lot of changes would have to be made in order for these taxis to be implemented, but its a cool dream. A funny comparison in looks of the taxi is made to the Roomba vacuume and if it had the vacuume feature it would make for a cleaner city as well.